It’s certainly obvious that the past few U.S. governmental elections have garnered more passion, questions, uncertainty, and outlook for the future of the United States than any other time in my life or memory. Ideologies have magnetized to extreme poles which has produced a social furnace revealing the true heart condition, moral make-up and spirit of its population. I have stated in other posts that much of the United States’ political and judicial positions are not composed of the best qualified people to administer its institutions, defense, and economy. Thus, we are essentially left to choose from a pool of candidates that are oftentimes cut from the same institutional cloth. The problem with President Trump is that he’s not cut from the same political fabric and thus, the status quo hated him before he even laid out an agenda. My hope is that this message will reflect both historical and prophetic vantage points to gain clarity as the days ahead unfold. I have used a few example nations as illustration points. These examples are not exhaustive in most cases and usually point to many other nations which experience the same socio-political causes and effects. The end game is that our voice and vote are still powerful means for change and societal growth. The key is that we support and vote for candidates that represent our personal values over identity values as well as those candidates whom will promote the highest degree of encouraging and fostering ‘productive people’.

It is interesting that countries such as Mexico and Nigeria can be rather poor countries in regard to standard of living but yet rich in natural resources. On the other hand, the prosperity of countries such as Japan and Switzerland which have some of the highest standards of living in the world reflect some of the poorest availability in regard to natural resources. In my opinion, the key to success for a nation and local society (naturally or spiritually) resides in the productivity of its people and culture along with the willingness of its citizens to assimilate into a national or social identity rather than tribes. Preserving a particular culture also preserves its productivity and prosperity. I believe that much of today’s social problems and issues are that many nations, societies and local institutions fail to implement a truly productive social culture. These criteria are different than ‘ideology.’

Whether nations, groups or individuals – it is human capital (the desire to be productive) which produces both natural and spiritual wealth. The dynamic inputs of natural based and spiritual based productivity far surpasses the monetary resources around us because of the positive legacies we leave and the blessings which manifests within creativity and productivity – people who are willing to produce for a better society. Monetary capital without human capital (productivity) is limited, short-lived, and ultimately leads to social bankruptcy.

Human capital must not be confused with formal education which is just one small slice or facet of it. Likewise, human capital must not be confused with pure economic capitalism which can only survive if another business eventually dies at the expense and birth of another… This is how we collectively progress. And finally, human capital must not be confused with the institutional intelligentsia (academia) which may either reflect a positive or a negative influence on economic development and political stability depending on the particular kinds of skills these individuals really possess and the particular attitude they take toward those with true productive capacity or ability to advance the economic level of a particular country, society, or local body.

Note: Capitalism within ‘inclusive’ or pluralistic institutions (market based or the free exchange of goods and services) is necessary for sustained political and economic growth as history has shown. Socialist and Collective based institutions are ‘extractive’ (government based) and have arisen because of the failure of societies to embrace what I will call “Creative Destruction”. (Today’s Venezuela is a prime example) Creative Destruction must be embraced for outdated technologies and systems to die in order for new technologies and systems to take their place and promote new growth. This is a universal law. We witnessed this form of social fear and protectionism manifest in the automobile and financial sector government based bail-outs in the last major recession.

Modern industry and commerce in the west developed at a time when the academic and institutional intelligentsia was a relatively small and non-influential group (Late 17th to early 18th century). However, many third world societies as the 20th century dawned, became independent nations led by the educated elites based on formal education and political charisma, but with little to no experience in economic matters or critical thinking aptitudes. This naturally generated hostility toward autonomous economic institutions and toward economically productive minorities in their own country. This is a common human defense mechanism and behavior pattern to justify protectionism which leads toward governmental control over a populace. However, the core issue slowly eases away from communal ideology and moves into greed upon tasting the bitter-sweetness of power.

Another important aspect which I found as a pattern – is that the specific kind of education received not only affects technological and economic development in a country, but also the direction of its social and political development. Education in science and technology has obvious economic benefits but not all groups or all nations have been equally drawn or interested in that type of education. In Malaysia for example, the Chinese minority received more than 400 degrees in engineering during the decade of the 1960’s while the Malay majority received just 4. Differences in core curriculum fields or quality of education have also existed between Protestant and Catholics in Ireland, Caste Hindus and Untouchables in India, Russians and Cossacks in Kazakhstan, Middle Eastern versus European in regard to religious dogmas, Jews in America versus Jews in Israel, Tamils versus Similes’ in Sri-Lanka, and Whites versus Blacks or Hispanics in the United States. Productivity lagging local groups and lagging nations trend toward the easier or soft subjects rather than such difficult fields as mathematics, science, engineering, and medicine. I do not generalize this comment lightly. I am basing my comments and opinions on researched facts. These differences not only affect their economic productivity but also their socio-political attitudes toward those who do have the skills to make a society more productive and prosperous.

Newly educated classes of people or cultures have been especially likely to specialize in softer core subjects and to be prominent among those fostering hostility toward more advanced groups while promoting ethnic identity movements. Such movements have been typically mobilized against other ethnic groups, the existing authorities, or other targets that would stand in the way of the ‘new’ agenda. In various periods of history, the intelligentsia in general and the newly educated classes of people in particular have inflamed group against group promoting discriminatory policies and or physical violence.

Whether at the level of minority activists in a given local society or at the leadership level of national revolts against external powers – promoters of socialism have been disproportionately intellectuals and intellectuals from a very limited range of fields. Very few nationalist militants, ultra-religious, or Socialist leaning politicians were and are engineers, economists, scientists, or skilled professional administrators. As an African student once quoted in regard to the generation of African leaders during the transition from colonial status to that of independent nationhood: “…K. Nakuma was a British educated lawyer, J. Kenyatta was an anthropologist, J. Kasabuvu was a teacher, and L.S. Sengor a poet just to name a few. Much the same pattern could and can be found in other parts of the world as well…” Leaders of the Basque separatist movement in Spain and the Quebec separatist movement in Canada were also birthed and promoted by soft subject intellectuals.

In the less developed regions of Europe, the rising intellectual class in the years between the two World Wars likewise tended to concentrate on the softer subjects rather than in science or technology and sought careers in politics and government bureaucracies rather than in industry or commerce. Much of the same pattern would be seen a half a century later in Sri-Lanka which was all too typical of other Asian third world countries in having a surplus of unemployed graduates who had specialized in the humanities and the social sciences. Is there a common pattern beginning to arise in the United States? Is there a social pattern which is in common with our current political body and influence of our previous president? I strongly believe so and the soft subject elites in the United States are seeking to overthrow the sacred and economic foundations with Socialist and centralized government ideologies. The political and social landscape is coming into clarity. How we promote the truth and resolution will require much wisdom and I certainly do not have all the answers. However, the powers and systems which are creating the world’s economic and social sickness are coming into plain view for those who possess discernment.

History shows us that cultural and ethnic leaders would later instill and promote the breakup of Yugoslavia and the atrocities that followed in the last decade of the 20th century were again birthed by professors in the humanities, the social sciences, a novelist, and a psychiatrist. The mass slaughters in Kampuchea, under the Khmer Rouge were likewise led by intellectuals including teachers and academics. Historian A.J.P. Taylor has stated: “…that the first stage of national based socialism is led by university professors and that the second stage comes when the pupils of the professors get out into the world…” Whatever the actual sequence, the intelligentsia have played a central role in promoting inter-group and international animosities accompanied by atrocities in trying to artificially preserve, revive, or fabricate past glories. This social and political mind-set will continue to be woven into the mind and cultural fabric of the unredeemed which will escalate into the anti-christian system.

Newly educated and semi-educated classes have often sought positions in law or government bureaucracies rather than in industry and commerce (marketplace) because their education has usually provided them with few skills to be useful in the marketplace. Moreover, the growth of bureaucracies is needed to accommodate or absorb such people in preventing them from becoming a political problem which is oftentimes a handicap to the genuine development of industrial, commercial, and social growth. In other words, the social and political attitudes spawned by those with diplomas and degrees but without productive skills, constitute yet another barrier to economic development and growth as well as developing a productive society which technology and spirituality grow in similitude. Spiritual dynamics must also be strongly considered as the church is oddly split along ethnic and cultural lines in regard to social policy in the U.S. The pull is so strong and deceptive, that a Bible believing individual will abhor abortion but vote for a pro-abortion candidate simply by built-in social conditioning in regard to a lack of cultural productivity. We must understand that differing cultures have varying views of productivity as some are content to live off of another if the system provides that option or choice.

It was said of Romania’s institutions of higher education between the two World Wars: “…they were numerically swollen, academically lax, politically overheated, as well as variable incubators of surplus bureaucrats, politicians, and demagogs…” The truth is that this could be said of institutions in other nations within eastern and south-eastern Europe during the same era and in various nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America in later times. The direct economic and social drain of supporting a intelligentsia with little to contribute to the economy is by no means the crux or most important cost they impose upon the rest of the people in various societies. The kinds of policies and attitudes they promote and the internal strife they generate or aggravate are the major impediments to economic advancement, spiritual harmony, and political stability.

The post-independence history of many African nations for example, have especially shown the tragic results of following policies that are diametrically the opposite of economies that developed social productivity in earlier centuries such as Japan and Malaysia. In multi-ethnic societies, confiscatory policies (to take something away) toward the most economically productive groups have been promoted for the short term benefit of those seeking a way out of their own poverty at the expense of others rather than becoming more productive themselves. Those targeted have included as a prime example, the Germans and Jews in Czechoslovakia when it existed, and Romania. I have used Czechoslovakia as an example a couple of times for a reason as it no longer exists for a reason! Other good examples are the Chinese in Malaysia and Indonesia. The Indians and Pakistanis in Kenya and Uganda among many, many others Those losing in the long run have included the poorer and less skilled masses who cannot replace the more productive groups they suppressed or driven out of the country (This will unfold within the boarders of Israel if the Palestinians are given more territory) Rome as a city did not fall due to barbarian invasion. The invasion was only the tip of the iceberg. Rome fell because the barbarians could not run the cultural and political apparatus nor repair its systems and products when broke. In other words, the barbarian invaders were not a productive nor creative people. They pillaged and took what another earned and it worked for a short-term gain. The long-term effect was immanent decay and eventual ruin.

Both internally and internationally, western intellectuals have for centuries romanticized noble savages, barbarians, and warlords in various parts of the world. People who supposedly lived in some sort Eden before evil was introduced from the outside by modern western society. In fact, many Islamist nations refer to the United states as “The Great Satan” However, facts about the carnage, oppression, or brutality in such societies have been glazed over, totally ignored, or brazenly denied by those pursuing a vision and disseminating that vision through their educational writings, teachings, motion pictures, media, and other channels to the extent that they are successful in creating a virtual reality different from the factual realities. These falsehoods produce false public policies (now globally) with dire consequences upon the particular nations or societal populace. This causes such policies to be misdirected, ineffective, and even counter-productive. Sometimes a foreign “Eden” is ideologically defined such as the Middle Eastern Spring, the Soviet Union under Stalin or China under Mao. Again, a wonderfully fluffy virtual reality has for decades, completely submerged facts that included the slaughter of millions. In these and other ways, an intelligentsia can make policies less informed as well as misinformed and less intelligent than otherwise dreamed of.

In summary, America cannot sustain itself and will socially and economically collapse unless we address cultural immortality (godlessness), the destruction of the nuclear family, mass immigration without cultural assimilation, promoting intellectual skills to properly govern and the overreach of government which removes individual choice as well as creating dependancy and massive debt.

The good news is that it’s not too late. God still deeply loves us and desires His best for our lives and nation. Let’s not curse our country and world with judgment. Rather, let’s pray as we have been directed for our national and world leaders and that those who are truly called and commissioned would come forth in authority and power to declare faith, hope, and love for all humanity.