Isn’t it a dynamic time to be alive for those who are seeking the Lord? And those who have eyes to see are going to see the glory of God moving in the Earth on behalf of His people in 2021. 2020 began an outpouring of vision for believers to naturally see the forces of darkness that have now become exposed. 2021 will be a year and outpouring of spiritual vision for the church to see and understand what must soon take place.

Do you know that you and I have two minds? Do you know that our daily battles are waged between these two minds? Romans 8 tells us that we have a mind of the flesh (our carnal mind) and the mind of the Spirit (the mind of Christ). The mind of the flesh hates the mind of the Spirit because your flesh hates the purposes of God. There’s allot of flesh in politics and government today. There’s allot of flesh in our educational institutions today. There’s allot of flesh in marriages today. There’s allot of flesh in race relations today. There’s allot of flesh in business relations today. There allot of flesh in spending habits today. The agenda of the flesh hates the agenda of God. 

Only the word of God can subdue the mind of the flesh and when the word of God is removed from our societies and cultural values… What should we expect? We should expect a growing carnality and social division which is at enmity with God. Do you know that we have Christian parents of 16 year old high school kids buying them brand new mustangs and camaros. Why? This is carnal and not teaching kids about real life and the real world. And we wonder why young people in America have become entitled, resist hard work and don’t understand stewardship. I’m not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings. I’m trying to say that God has a specific and detailed plan and we need to clearly see what that plan is.

The antichrist spirit has a detailed plan and that plan is on full display and understood by those who have spiritual vision. Those with eyes to see into the spirit realm understand that the antichrist agenda is to acquire earthly kingdoms by two means: deception and premature death. We have deception right in the middle of the camp that goes by the name “Christian” and promoting an evolving gospel. 

The flesh-centric church is promoting a watered down gospel to be more friendly with our modern culture… Just like those who are currently promoting an evolving Constitution. The gospel and the Constitution are not designed to evolve. They were written and designed to keep those in check who are demanding its anti-christian evolution. There’s now an evolving salvation message that presents several different paths to heaven outside of the cross of Christ. This isn’t just now being promoted by the Pope within the Catholic church, but also by once proud protestant denominations. Lord help us.

And the b side of Satan’s agenda has always been to kill what has been conceived both naturally and spiritually and preferably while still in the womb. Satan tried to kill the Messiah as an infant. Satan tried to kill Moses as an infant and on and on. The modus operandi has been the same throughout history. Satan tries to kill everything that advances the kingdom on Earth at the earliest stage of conception whether it’s a business, a dream, or a vision. And as I said, preferably before it’s birthed or comes to fruition. Satan tried his best to kill the rebirthing of Israel as a nation through the Nazi regime. But, God’s agenda and what He’s birthing in you for the advancement of the kingdom cannot be stopped.

The purpose of spiritual vision is to move us from information to revelation. It’s to see the kingdom advancing in power and to be an active part and participant in its movement… Especially in the midst of doubt and deep societal darkness within the antichrist agenda. 

In seeking the Lord for prophetic direction in this region – I’m seeing that the snare of ‘Rationalization’ will be the frontline of our personal and corporate battles as the days ahead unfold. I’ll speak prophetically about rationalization in our lives, as the church and this region a little later in this message. But I want to first speak a bit about spiritual vision as you and I will need this anointing to understand its prophetic meaning and impact as 2021 unfolds.

I believe that the Lord is and will provide a greater anointing of vision in our lives at this hour. Mine included. I believe that a heavenly salve is being applied to our eyes and that His advancement and agenda will become increasingly clear in our understanding and lives. We will no longer see dimly as looking through a glass darkly. We will not be fooled by angels of light offering counterfeit social solutions leading to bondage and moral bankruptcy lest we, the elect in Christ become deceived ourselves. No, we will see face to face the snares that have been set before us.

Do you really believe that God would have his children blind, uninformed or placed at a disadvantage? Of course not and that’s not how we raise our own kids even in our sin nature. But most importantly, we need spiritual vision to see the blessings that the Lord has for us in 2021. The primary purpose of spiritual vision is to see our blessings and victory. Seeing and understanding what must soon take place including the antichrist agenda is very important. But, the priority of spiritual vision must be focused on the goodness of God, His love and His desire to bless us. The story of Mary Magdalene as she approached the empty tomb is a good example of missing a promised blessing by a lack of spiritual vision.

If you’d like to follow along, the Bible tells us starting in John chapter 20 verse 1: “Now the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. Then she ran and came to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and said to them, “They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb and we do not know where they have laid Him.” 

The Bible says Mary “saw” that the stone had been rolled away from Jesus’ tomb and that someone had taken away the Lord’s body. First of all, was this an accurate statement that Mary had just spoken to Jesus’ disciples. Did somebody actually take or steal the Lord’s body? 

Obviously, the answer is no and that Jesus had been resurrected in power. What Mary had seen was according to her vision in the natural realm or what she discerned from a natural perspective based on her past frames of reference. Mary was formulating a conclusion leading to a false belief based on her past natural experiences in life (in other words, he’s not there so somebody had to have taken him) rather than a spiritual or prophetic promise foretold by Jesus of being raised on the third day. Without spiritual vision, Mary’s past natural experiences wrongly influenced her ‘right now’ spiritual insight. 

Can you see that right now, that schools have taken on the agenda to tell our children what gender they can be? Can you see right now that lying has become a socially acceptable means to promote one’s agenda with no consequences? The normalizing of lying in our culture will be America’s open door for the antichrist culture to advance as Satan is the father of lies. The sword of the Spirit has come to rightly divide and define the father we will choose to serve. The Father of Heaven or the father of lies?

Can you see right now that many are promoting sexual immorality and transgenderism by social conditioning to normalize these behaviors and to prosecute you if you disagree? Can you see right now that many parents (even those in the church) are now winking at their kid’s sexual promiscuity and premarital sex for the sake of acceptance and popularity? As I said earlier, only the word of God can subdue the mind of the flesh and what does the word of God say about these matters? Let’s be honest, is the gay agenda, the feminist agenda, the media agenda, the entertainment agenda, the education agenda, the government agenda – are they God’s agenda? God deeply loves the person but cannot look upon the sin. We cannot see God face to face and realize our blessings with open sin and rebellion in our lives. 

Simply complaining about these social ills will not solve anything. Actually, our complaining will make matters worse as complainers in the Bible were never blessed, but rather, wandered in wilderness circles. We need vision to understand the cause and effects of societal sickness and exercise the power of prayer through faith which is the seedbed for revival. Are we praying for what we’re complaining about? We’re having prayer conferences. We’re having prayer meetings. We’re reading books on prayer. But, as the church – we’re not praying.

The Greek word ‘saw’ for this event Mary had seen in the original translated language is “Blepo” which means to casually or naturally see. In other words, our natural human vision. Nothing more and nothing less.

Continuing in verse 4, “Peter therefore went out, and the other disciple (John), and were going to the tomb. So, they both ran together, and the other disciple outran Peter and came to the tomb first. And he, stooping down and looking in, saw the linen cloths lying there; yet he did not go in.”

 The Greek word for ‘saw’ that is used in this verse and for what John observed is the exact same Greek word ‘Blepo’ that Mary had previously based her assumptions on. We see little progress yet in discerning the resurrection and the supernatural events Jesus had foretold concerning Himself and the church. We also notice that John didn’t go into the tomb and because of his natural and distant perspective, John’s spiritual understanding would also be limited to what he ‘saw’ with his natural vision.

Continuing in verse 6-7, “Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb; and he saw the linen cloths lying there, and the handkerchief that had been around His head, not lying with the linen cloths, but folded together in a place by itself. 

We now read that Peter chose to go into the tomb and the original Greek word for “saw” in this verse is the word ‘Thereo.’ It should be obvious that the Greek text and word ‘Thereo’ reflects the English translation of the word ‘theory’ in our modern vocabulary. We have some progress as Peter draws closer and he’s pondering the event that he’s witnessing, but we do not base our faith and spiritual understanding on theory and assumption. Amen.

Continuing in verse 8, “Then the other disciple, who came to the tomb first, went in also; and he SAW and BELIEVED.” John saw and believed! The Greek word translated for “saw” in this verse is, ‘Eido’ which means to see with understanding or revelation.’

It’s no accident or mistake that we have three different Greek words for the exact same modern translation for “saw” in this short passage and event. Eido is the spiritual vision and understanding that the Lord desires we possess right now as we continue to experience the kingdom of God moving on earth as it is in heaven. Something immediately snapped in John’s life and he now saw into the reality, power, and love of the Spirit realm. Once spiritual vision was imparted, it would continue to increase and mature in his life, culminating in the Revelation of Jesus Christ – the Spirit of Prophecy. You and I, this region, this state, and this country needs a prophetic revelation of Jesus Christ and guess who that’s coming from? From me and you!

With that said, revelation is only active or effectual to others when its power is revealed in our own personal lives. In other words, ‘revelation’ means: to be revealed to another. Revelation always has a source and we see this illustrated in the vision of Jacob’s ladder (if the Holy Spirit is in us and if we are to do greater works than these – then we are the ladder. It is the agenda of heaven in Christ and the Holy Spirit continually flowing to and through us as the church to reach the unsaved and our communities) but we can only impart to another what has been received and revealed in our own personal lives. (You are the 2nd coming of Christ – Christ in you, hope of glory)

We simply can’t give to another what we don’t possess ourselves. Anything less is just good information rather than heaven sent and life changing. Look, good information isn’t a bad thing, but it’s not revelation. It’s kind of like a clock hanging on the wall in a store. It’s value to keep time is true in and of itself. But until we purchase it and take ownership of it – it presents no real value to us nor to those at arm’s reach.

The bible says that, “The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show his servants (you and me) what must soon take place. You and I have been appointed and anointed to see and understand “what must soon take place.” Why? to be a source solution (the ladder) from heaven to others! Sharing what we read is wonderful. Sharing what we see is better. Preaching what we write is wonderful. Demonstration what others see is better.

The antichrist agenda comes as counterfeit light to cloak its darkness and I believe that our country has become so corrupt and dark at the current hour that new leaders coming into church will either be sent directly from Heaven’s influence or directly from Hell’s influence. I guess that the one good thing about this is that lukewarm church leadership is on the way out. And you know, this is how God typically deals with generational removal and change – He doesn’t annihilate it, he simply let’s it die out. Both secular and spiritual leadership is going to be either white hot for righteousness or red hot for evil. The battle is on and both the windows of hell and the windows of heaven have been opened. The spirit of Ahab and Jezabel changed the culture, morals and values of the United States over the last 60 years and the spirit of Manassah is at the gate. 

Manassah destroyed an entire generation of people in the nation of Israel by leading them into serving false gods, state sponsored child sacrifice, idolatry, and silenced the prophets by death when they publicly confronted his abominations. He tried to repent and ask forgiveness once judgement had been passed upon him, but it was too late. He corrupted and destroyed an entire generation and he had a meat hook driven up his nose and out through his cheek to be dragged in chains to Babylon to be ostracized. If he fell along way – well, his face would be ripped off. 

Even though this humiliation brought him to repentance – the spiritual, cultural and social damage had already been done and that nation’s generation sealed it’s fate by it’s debauchery and turning their back on God. You know, our nation should be thankful for us Christians. We’re not better than other people, we’re just better off. We have help and I like that!

If we don’t know or belong to Jesus, we won’t understand revelation because all revelation knowledge pertaining to the church and His kingdom is given to Christ. With that said, The Father is not interested in us knowing everything. He’s interested in us knowing Jesus. If we know Jesus, we’ll know what must soon take place as a byproduct.

Going back to the prophetic word that the Lord has put upon my heart for this region – the flesh-centric mindset of rationalization was the downfall of the first two humans: Adam and Eve. They desired the knowledge good and evil separate from God. If we’ll be content with God and seek him first, then He’ll give us revelation and knowledge for our benefit. As I just touched on – there’s no point in God explaining things or giving understanding to us if we don’t belong to Jesus. 

You’ll find in the Bible that when God calls someone His friend, whether it was Abraham or his friends (such as his disciples in the upper room) He says, ‘I no longer call you servants, I call you friends.” Once Jesus calls someone His friend, He will then bless that person with vision in regard to navigating future or prophetic events. Again, what father or parent desires that their children be unprepared and blind to upcoming danger? Think about that. How much more with God?

Truly, those whom I trust as my friends are the people that I reveal my heart and give liberally the greatest prophetic revelation. It is not a particular gift of my Spirit as I can give these to anybody at any given time according to my purposes. But an understanding of the times and the seasons and what will and must soon take place. For I will always have friends or witnesses on the Earth to proclaim and rightly provide direction for my church. I intimately share with my friends and those who draw close to me. Can you see that those called my  ‘beloved’ are always those who have a revelation, vision and the understanding of the time and times and how to apply wisdom to my people in navigating them? 

Abraham was called my friend and I revealed to him the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and how to save his family. Daniel I have called ‘highly beloved’ and understood the events that must soon take place and which you will need at this hour to see and understand. John I have called my beloved and it was John that I have given the greatest revelation of what was and is to come. John was always near to my heart and it would be John whom I would entrust much in the shadow of the cross. You know, Jesus entrusted his own earthly mother to John.

The appetite to rationalize within the carnal mind can be traced as far back to the fall of man. The following verses in Genesis chapters 2 & 3 if you’d like to follow along will provide us some insight into its corrupting power.

The bible states in Gen. 2:15-17:

“Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it. And the Lord commanded the man, saying, “of every tree in the garden you may freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die. 

If there’s one thing that our flesh nature craves – it’s to do something that we’re told we shouldn’t do and it begins at childhood. Remember that 60s Three Dog Night song “Momma told me not to come.” Momma was addressing our appetites and it wasn’t for her apple pie. 

God never intended nor created humanity to deal with the knowledge of evil. Horror movies are popular but they’re an abomination to our spirit-man, yet many are drawn to the openings of these dark portals into our soul. Because evil was both a natural and a spiritual reality due to Lucifer’s rebellion in heaven and being cast to the earth – the tree of this knowledge had to be a real and present danger within Adam and Eve’s view. Satan’s rebellion in heaven was a spiritual reality and being cast the earth was a natural reality. The tree that represented the reality of both good and evil had to be in the Garden because it was real. The serpent, the father of lies didn’t need to tempt them into overt sin. He just needed to draw out their carnal or flesh nature apart from God within their freedom to choose.

I believe that Joel 2 has a twofold meaning when it says that “in the later days, the Lord will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh.” What does “all flesh” mean? Since we know that many have and will reject Christ and a great falling away will also occur – I believe that the Lord will also pour out His Spirit on all of our flesh – our flesh nature within the church to become without spot and wrinkle. Then – our sons and daughters will prophesy. Come on somebody! God will pour out His Spirit upon our flesh in the latter days and today is your’s and my latter days! The Bible says that the Lord is coming back for a glorious church. Somehow and some way we’re going to get there and it will take God pouring out His Spirit upon all of our flesh in the church.

“Do you know what the first temptation of Jesus was after fasting in the wilderness for 40 days and terribly hungry? It wasn’t to turn those desert stones into bread in his hunger – it was “if you are the Son of God”… Turn these stones into bread. It was, “If you are the Son of God,… cast yourself down from the pinnacle of the temple for God will give His angels charge over you.” The devil got Eve to doubt herself and God’s promises with this tactic. But it didn’t work with Jesus. Jesus quoted what was written in the word of God which subdued the temptations of the flesh and carnal mind even in His humanity.

Continuing in Gen. 3:1-4:

“Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘you shall not eat of every tree in the garden’?” Now listen to what the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it lest you die. (Let’s stop right there. Did God say, “nor shall you touch it?”) Then the serpent said to the woman, “you will not surely die, For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Already, we have a lie and it’s a tactic of lying that the devil still uses today… Twisting and adding to the word of God. God did not say that they could not touch it. Only that they were not to partake or eat of it. Eve was lied to by somebody.

In all fairness, did mankind (Adam & Eve) know what a lie was? Did they even have a past frame of reference of what a lie was? Come on y’all. The answer has to be no. So, I believe it’s completely fair and reasonable to look at this event as the woman being presented with two ‘perceived truths’…One from God and the other from the serpent since they didn’t even have the understanding of what a lie was…Stay with me.

Mankind did not ‘fall’ when they ate of the forbidden fruit. Rather, they began falling when they rationalized God’s words not to partake of it. They rationalized God’s word for a counterfeit promise that was pleasing to the carnal mind. It’s kind of like this: Imagine that I’m standing on the roof of this house. The instant or second that I step off the roof – I am falling. Hitting the ground is the consummation of already falling and the impact of its pain. 

Mankind fell the instant or second that they rationalized God’s word and promise. The partaking of the forbidden fruit simply consummated their state of already falling and impact of their self-inflicted pain. The prophetic application is two-fold: First, rationalization is the snare and deception that leads to a fall in all areas of life. Millions upon millions are rationalizing their way out of heaven and into hell this very day. 

Satan’s bait doesn’t have to be obviously bad or evil and it rarely is to the mature believer. It’s oftentimes packaged as a good rationalization to distract us from God’s best and genuine purpose for our lives. Remember, one of Satan’s primary agendas is to kill the birthing of God’s purpose and vision for your life before it’s conceived and he’ll tempt your flesh nature to abort it through rationalization.

Secondly, we must embrace God’s word and promises and then release and rest in them to manifest by faith. Look, you may have some serious issues right now and looking for any rationalization or means to fix it. But maybe, you’ve got to start believing in the unbelievable! If you’re in a unbelievable circumstance or in the midst of unbelievable problems, then you’ll need to start believing in previously unbelievable solutions! Come on somebody.

Continuing: “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, (in other words, not just what was good, but to make one wise in what was evil) she took of its fruit and ate. Now here’s the kicker – She also gave to her husband who was with her, and he ate. 

Adam, as the head of his household and husband stood right there and watched that snake lie to his wife. He stood idly by and watched his wife eat it and then decided to have some for himself! The mind of the flesh always covets what its told it can’t have.

“Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; (They noticed they were naked. Why? Because they now noticed potential evil and unfaithfulness within their nakedness. Before this they were covered in the glory of God! They were clothed and covered in his righteousness) and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.”

Carole and I moved here from the Georgia coast and we know what it feels like to touch a fig and its leaves in the cool of the morning. The leaves are a far cry from feeling like silk pajamas. The bible says that upon seeing their nakedness, they made aprons or coverings of fig leaves. Well, this was the first time that man had ever been chaffed and there were no Duluth breathable britches around at that time. The first thing the devil got us to do after losing God’s glorious covering was to chafe ourselves. Think about it…It was the first time that man had an itch! You know, this was the first time man had to scratch.

“And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?” So he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.” And He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?” Then the man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.” And the LORD God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”

Well, instead of repenting in their fallen, chaffed and itching condition – Adam showed his flesh nature in bright lights. He points and says, “She did it!” She’s the one who tempted me and made me take a bite! The woman wasn’t much better – it was that snake who tempted me and it’s the snake’s fault! You know, the devil made me do it! Well, we’ve got a whole lot of blaming and finger pointing going on but no ownership and repentance.

It’s always better to blame somebody else than to admit our mistakes. It’s always better to gossip about somebody else to feel better about ourselves and our own bad choices. Somebody needs to hear this – gossip is a murderer. Gossip is a killer of trust and faith. Gossip sets a curse in motion by our words which never fall to the ground. Do you think sound waves just decide to stop moving because they’re not heard with natural ears of flesh and bone?

If we could time-travel and go back in time to walk with Jesus as he was approaching Jerusalem to face the cross, we’d see that he stopped and cursed a random fig tree that wasn’t even in season to produce figs for seemingly no reason. But there was a reason. We, you and I were created through, for and by Christ. Things may have gone completely different for Adam and Eve if repentance rather than rationalization was their response to the Lord in the midst of disobedience.

You see, Christ can go back in time and the pain of facing the cross must have paled in comparison to the pain of facing those fig leaves. The pinnacle of His creation for relationship chose to separate and hide themselves from his love and mercy. Jesus couldn’t help but remember that it was the fig leaves that demanded the blood soaked tears of the cross and his shed blood. 

Revelation is not a cosmic thought like a light bulb going off in your head – it’s an expression of the Holy Spirit that is continually hovering above us waiting to be seen. Mantles in the Old Testament were placed over a person to receive a particular anointing. But in the dispensation of Christ’s grace and gifts, we must choose to come under mantles in obedience. Why? Because the anointing is already available and its hovering in this room right now!

The Lord is calling forth a people and church with prophetic vision and revelation to understand his heart…A commissioned people who clearly see that the same resurrection power that raised Christ from the dead and the same Holy Spirit whom works mightily in us has already enabled the church (you and I) to actively advance the kingdom. But remember that the kingdom is not advanced through compulsion, but by the overflow of our compassion! It is Spirit-led. Do you know that there’s a difference in being spirit-filled and being spirit-led? Being spirit-filled is a free gift of grace. Being spirit-led demands a choice and obedience.

Social resistance and even persecution on various social and institutional levels will continue to wage war upon truth in this country and this statement is growing legs as I speak as fake news, fake beliefs and fake faces with lying tongues rule the day. 

However, these challenges will drive God’s people into great and awesome feats of prophetic utterance and evangelism which will define the eternal legacy of the church. Look, the bible says that Jesus is coming back for a glorious church…This is a fact, it’s going to happen and to get there – there’ll be a whole allot of shakin goin on. But we know the story and we’ll get there. Amen.

Now being open to deeper vision and revelation doesn’t mean being flaky and unscriptural. All revelation and prophecy must align with the Spirit and person of Christ and biblically confirmed rather than simply following the crowd of post-modern and strange man-made doctrines. 

Our work has just begun and a new anointing and mantle of prophetic based evangelism is awaiting us. Notice that I said awaiting us. Whatever the issue and wherever the environment your feet may take you – the anointing is awaiting and present ahead of your footsteps and fully available to address any issue and to change the temperature of any environment. We just need to see it and purposefully come under it as we cultivate a lifestyle of awareness… Seeing what is happening in the spirit realm. Our weapons are not natural, but spiritual. How can you use a spiritual weapon without seeing the spiritual battle?

This message is to prophetically confirm the releasing of prophetic based evangelism and the soon arrival of the five-fold manifestation or effective leadership to seal it. And I prophesy that this house will be an integral part of its implementation and a recipient of its benefits in this region. 

A prophetic empowered evangelistic expression has been commissioned and we need to be prepared to steward its anointing. Listen, this empowerment is not coming, it’s already here and the Lord is promoting and confirming those who have been elevated from the called and into the power of the commissioned.

We need to understand what happened in Moses’ life when he moved in presumption from a position of being called (he was called and yet he was rejected by his own people whom he was trying to set free from bondage) to that of the commissioned and empowered to bring the mightiest nation of his time to its knees. You were called to many things the day you were born. But commissioning is spirit-led and in God’s timing. Even Moses needed to understand God’s timing when he got ran out of Dodge.

Vision and revelation is the essence of the expressed prophetic anointing in its full release. This is the transition from the church age to the kingdom age. You have been elevated from the called to the commissioned. You are begging transferred from the church age to the kingdom age.

Do you know why many saints in the Body of Christ don’t evangelize or prophecy in the public forum where it’s needed the most? It’s because they fear man. If we, as born again Christians fear others, it’s because we are too much in love with ourselves. Come on somebody! I’m not here to hurt anybody’s feelings. I’m here to love you into the truth. Many times, we fail to see or realize this and we are all guilty to some degree or another. When the Lord deals with the love of one’s self (to protect one’s pride from being rejected) – He simultaneously addresses the fear of man. Simply put, the fear of man and rejection is but a symptom of self-ish love.

Overcoming our love and protection of self is an important key to our prophetic maturity and destination as a witness and disciple of Christ. The burden for souls is the signature of our kingdom DNA. 

As I wind this message down, Do you know that demonic entities always prefer détente to open warfare? If your old enough like me to remember the cold war with the Soviet Union, a system of Détente was often agreed upon through various treaties to prevent warfare. Détente means, if you don’t mess with me – I won’t mess with you (as far as you know) and life is great! Demonic entities always present the rationalization for détente as opposed to open warfare to mask their weakness and to neutralize our true strength in Christ. A church in neutral or in détente in regard to evil is no better than a dead church. Amen?

 if you’re a Christian – you are part of an eternal plan and adventure. You have a special job or function. You have a special commission and place that you rightly fit in and an eternal purpose that nobody else has. You have a responsibility that nobody else can carry out. And the second detail is how much you’re worth. Do you really know how much you are worth? Let’s suppose that you’re trying to sell something such as a house. And let’s suppose that the market comps reflect that your house is worth 60k dollars. But since you bought it for much less, you would be happy with 50k. But what is the house really worth? It’s really worth what somebody is willing to pay for it and it’s that way with just about everything in life. You can put any price tag you like on that house, but it’s only worth what somebody will pay for it and no more. 

Likewise, your worth is what God was willing to pay for you. What did He pay for you and what did he purchase you with? It was the priceless blood of His only begotten son – Jesus Christ, which is a payment that is infinitely valuable. It is something on which you cannot attach a price. And if you can get a vision that God was willing to pay the price in the blood of His son to redeem you – you’ll never doubt or have a problem of self-worth again because you’re worth what God was willing to pay for you. 

My hope and prayer as we move into this new year is that you and I would see as he sees…That we see Jesus in his glory. That we see the church as the bride of Christ. That we see the world around us with prophetic revelation and understanding. That we see each other in the love of Christ and that we see ourselves as a treasure and person worthy of his shed blood.